Dr. Lwazi Manzi

Head of Secretariat, AU COVID-19 Commission

Dr. Manzi is a medical doctor whose 18-year career spans across emergency medicine; film and television; and health diplomacy. She currently serves as the the Head of Secretariat of the Global Leaders Network for Women, Children and Adolescent Health and the Head of Secretariat of the AU Championship on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response- in these roles supporting H.E. President MC Ramaphosa of South Africa in his global and regional health leadership roles. She is the lead of Pillar 10 of the Second Presidential Health Compact in South Africa, which deals with the national agenda for Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response. She previously held the role of the Spokesperson of the Minister of Health between 2019 and 2021, where she oversaw communication for the introduction of NHI to Parliament and during the COVID-19 pandemic. She is also an award winning film and television executive producer and served in the frontlines of emergency medicine for 12 years.

All Sessions by Dr. Lwazi Manzi