Dr. Terry Kigundu, PhD

Terry Kigundu, PhD WomenLift Health Senior Facilitator, EA

Dr. Terry Kigundu, PhD

Senior Facilitator, East Africa, WomenLift Health

Dr. Terry Kigundu is a versatile Facilitator and Executive Coach, possessing 17 years of experience in leadership development. She is passionate about women’s leadership, mentorship, and coaching, all aimed at advancing Gender Equality. Dr. Terry has worked with INGOs, multinationals and social development sectors. Currently, as the Senior Facilitator at WomenLift Health (WLH)- EA Hub, based in Kenya, she facilitates the leadership journey and sessions for broader audiences and partners. Prior to joining WLH, Dr. Terry served as the Course Lead at the Africa Centre for Transformative and Inclusive Leadership an establishment between UN Women East and Southern Africa Region and Kenyatta University, where she designed and implemented leadership programs in over 60% of the Region for mid and senior career women. Dr. Terry holds a PhD in Gender and Development Studies, loves writing, storytelling and listening to soft music.  She is a mother of two young girls and a Kenyan national living in Nairobi, Kenya.

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All Sessions by Dr. Terry Kigundu, PhD

9:30 am - 11:00 am

Authentic Leadership: Lead from your Values

Led by: WomenLift Health.

Discover the power of authenticity in leadership through a highly participatory workshop. Engage in self-reflection, intimate dialogue with small groups, and bring your reflections back to the plenary to explore what authenticity really means to you and how you might bring more of yourself into your leadership.

This session is designed to enhance emotional intelligence and support the mindset shift needed to solve systemic challenges faced by leaders in today’s complex and diverse environments. The purpose of this workshop is not to “fix” you; rather, to create a safe and brave space where you can identify the core values that anchor, motivate, and guide your authentic leadership

11:30 am - 1:00 pm
Mt. Meru

Addressing Gender Bias in the Workplace

Led by: WomenLift Health.

Every society possesses beliefs around the roles that men and women should take in our families, communities, and workplaces. These are called gender roles, and they are a social construct, meaning they are neither discussed openly, challenged, nor objectively true. These beliefs, taught through our families, schools, media, and cultures, are transmitted from generation to generation. Gender roles become accepted as the “regular” or “normal” ways we treat men and women differently.

It’s a short step from here to stereotypes, reinforced throughout our lives, which create opportunities for some and obstacles for others. These obstacles hold back not only women and men, but entire societies. In many countries around the world, development has suffered as a significant portion of the population is excluded from active participation in the workforce or from realizing their full potential. This is not a zero-sum game: closing the gender gap between men and women’s access to education, political voice, employment opportunities, and pay equity could give the global economy a USD 7 trillion boost (UN Women).

In this interactive workshop we use small group discussions, individual reflections, and a case study to unpack the concept of gender, unearth stereotypes that create obstacles for women’s advancement at work and at home, and identify practices to enhance organizational culture for women and men alike. Whether gender bias is a new concept for you, or you’re looking for some activities to bring back to people in your organization who need to understand gender bias better, this workshop is for you.