Sara Clements

Assignee, Indian Health Service (IHS), US Centers for Disease Control (CDC)

Sara Clements is a US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) assignee to the Indian Health Service (IHS), where she serves as the Deputy for the National Immunization Program. In this role, she works closely with IHS Area and Service Unit Immunization staff and clinical providers to increase vaccination coverage among American Indian/Alaska Native people in the United States. Prior to this role, Sara spent 16 years in global health at CDC. Throughout her career, she has been an advocate for leadership development, promotion, and protection of community healthcare workers (CHWs). In her last role, Sara secured funding and initiated work using human-centered design to engage women CHWs on better understanding their perceptions of safety and co-creating solutions to address the challenges they face. She leads with passion and kindness and strives to create safe and brave spaces where other women can do the same.

All Sessions by Sara Clements