Shabari is our Lead Facilitator for the WomenLift Health India cohort since its inception two years ago. Her expertise in Leadership, Team development & Executive Coaching spans more than 30 years. She works extensively with leaders across continents, to help them enhance human interactions and unlock potential in individuals and teams. She consults and advises senior leadership teams on how to achieve high performance with greater team cohesion. She is passionate about women’s participation in the workforce; she designs learning interventions to embolden women’s career journeys and sensitize senior leadership on enabling a gender diverse workforce. Prior to her consulting career, she held senior leadership roles with Indian and multinational firms. Her educational background is in Economics and an MBA in Human Resources & Management; she is trained in group dynamics, several Group Facilitation methods, certified in over 10 different psychometric instruments and is a Psychodrama practitioner and PCC Coach (certified by ICF). She lives in Bangalore (India), enjoys travelling and surrounds herself with pets and nature
Find her on Linkedin
Led by: WomenLift Health.
Conflict is inevitable, unavoidable, complex, and can be mentally, emotionally, and physically draining, and difficult to navigate. Conflict can also negatively impact personal progress and goals, team dynamics, and workplace culture. Research shows that women in particular tend to avoid disagreement, corresponding to socially constructed norms of femininity.
Conflict can also serve a purpose. It can generate new solutions, build better relationships, and can increase job satisfaction. It is key to innovation and can be a critical component of risk mitigation. Conflict follows a predictable pathway and will diverge to become either constructive or destructive. The question for this workshop is: How do we navigate the path of conflict so that it is constructive, and we can walk away feeling positive, relaxed, and even motivated?
In this session, for beginners and seasoned practitioners alike, we will explore the Conflict Dynamics Model by unpacking the behaviors and actions that influence interpersonal conflict. Attendees will reflect on and map out a recent work disagreement by focusing on the active, passive, constructive and destructive response pathways. We will understand how to identify our own “hot buttons” and contributions to either escalating or de-escalating a conflict.
Led by: WomenLift Health.
There is a well-known quote by Verna Myers which says, “Diversity is being invited to the party, Inclusion is being asked to dance.” Individuals from marginalized groups, for example women or people with disabilities, don’t feel like they belong even when they’re included. How might leaders create environments that foster belonging? How might we lead inclusively?
We begin by exploring the many aspects of our identities which impact how we show up and how we are perceived in the workplace. We relate our personal experiences of exclusion and inclusion. Then, we connect the dots and discover the misalignment between our intention and our impact. Our words, actions, and often our inaction, are all drivers of inclusion and exclusion. This session is one of many steps to recognizing the power of fostering inclusion and belonging, not only for an individual leader, but for an organization as a whole.